Canfor Houston

Nadina Natural resource district


Binche whut’en first Nation

The linked maps below display the following information:

  •  Blocks with a purple outline are new info-sharing blocks or blocks with a significant change since last info-share package.

  • Blocks with a tan coloured outline have been part of a previously info-share package.

  • Blocks with a blue outline have been GPS’d (the blocks boundary flagging is complete).

    • Blue outline with purple dots are new info-sharing blocks or blocks with a significant change since last info-share package.

    • Blue outline with tan dots have been part of a previously info-share package.

  • Existing roads show as black/gray, green/gray or brown/grey coloured lines

  • Proposed roads show as red/gray coloured lines.

 To maintain current information, comments and questions are welcome on all blocks (tan, purple and blue) and all proposed roads. In addition to proposed roads, all roads adjacent to proposed blocks may be used or needed to gain access. Additional roads may also been seen on the ortho images.

Canfor will continue to abide by the Higher Level Plan Resource Use Objectives that have been set out for the Morice TSA and the approved Forest Stewardship Plan. These objectives and documents address values for biodiversity, wildlife, water, fish habitat, timber and outdoor recreation.

A review of available information, which includes archaeological and cultural heritage resource information, identifies those proposed developments which may potentially impact aboriginal interests.  If you have any questions or     concerns regarding this info‑sharing or would like to arrange a meeting to discuss please contact Kyla Ahtiainen at (250) 845-5216 or Walter Tymkow, Forestry Superintendent, at (250) 845-5103

In regards to the info-sharing process the comment period for this package will continue until the week of January 5, 2024. After this date we will still accept comments toward the blocks in this info-sharing package as we value your input, but the formal comment period will have ended. We look forward to your comments and/or meeting with you as we move forward with our proposed activities.



New Info-sharing Blocks KMZ

Buffers on New Info-sharing Blocks KMZ

Fire Salvage North Map

KMZ files open in  Google Earth.

Understanding KMZ coding