basic guide to understanding the Infoshare KMZ's.

The following list gives a brief description of the fields that show for individual blocks in the KMZ's that are included in the infoshare packages.  

  • FID:  A number given by ArcMap to that particular polygon during processing
  • CUTB_SEQ_1: A unique serial code from our system for each block
  • SHAPE_AREA: The polygon's area in square meters
  • SHAPE_LEN: The polygon's perimeter in meters
  • DIVI_DIV_N: The Canfor division number Houston is 89
  • LICN_LICEN: will be filled out with the forest license at some time in the future. But during the planning – layout stages will be stored in holding area e.g. Avail Vol, Stagnate, etc.
  • PERM_PEMI: similar to LICN_LICEN except for cutting permit number until give it is in a holding area e.g. NADI, TAHT, June2016
  • CUTB_BLOCK: The block name in our system NADI0077, etc. This name is used to identify blocks in all day to day operations.
  • CUTB_BL_1: The block state at the time the infoshare package was sent out; PROPOSED (very rough office checks done but not available to be laid out yet) AVAILABLE (Full and complete pre-layout office checks done and is available to be laid out) WIP (layout/cruising is in progress but not complete) FIELD_COMPLETE (layout and cruising is complete and block is ready to be permitted) SUBMITTED (Block has been submitted to the ministry for approval)
  • OPAR_OPERA: Operating area name FRWE (Francois West), NADI (Nadina), etc.
  • GROSS_AREA: The entire area of the proposed blocks including reserve areas.
  • CRUISE _M3: the estimated timber volume in the block until cruise is complete then it will be the volume from the cruise
  • MERCH_AREA: The area of the block that is planned to be harvested, before layout is complete it is a rough estimate of what size the block will be, after layout is complete it will be the actual proposed harvest area.
  • GENERAL_CO: General comments in regard to the block e.g. name changes, other changes during its lifespan that don't have a specific field
  • CUTB_ACCESS: Specifies access comments if any known e.g. if a different access than the obvious one is needed.
  • CPSUB_DATE: The date the cutting permit the cutblock is part of was submitted to the ministry for approval
  • CPSUB_STAT: Cutting permit submission status; Planned or Done, is switched to done once block is submitted to the ministry.
  • CPSUB_RESP: Identifies who submitted the cutting permit “Forestry supervisor” is an automatically filled placeholder.
  • CPAPP_DATE: Date the cutting permit was approved by the ministry. 
  • CPAPP_STAT: Cutting permit approval status; Planned or Done, is switched to done once block is approved by the ministry
  • HARV_START: The proposed harvest start date.  If it has a date of 2030 it is in a holding area for the operations supervisor to place it into the three year operating plan. The operations people here put together a rough three year plan and a more precise 3 season plan based on estimated species mix, volume and piece size.  Some of these blocks will be drawn to fill holes in the plan. Blocks may be dropped from the three season plan for a number of reasons, if a given season has too much balsam, a non-balsam block will be swapped for the balsam block, if after cruising it is found that there is too much large or small in the plan an alternate block will be swapped into the plan. If the harvest start date is within the next year and a half it is moderately certain that it will be harvested during that time frame, if it is from one and a half years to three years out it is less certain but doesn’t normally change too much other than swapping from one year to another. However any of the 2030 may be changed to an earlier date to fill a seasons requirements.
  • HARV_STA_1: The status of the harvesting on a block.  Gets switched from planned to done once harvesting starts.
  • HARV_MULTI and HARVEST_MU_1: Are for multiple harvest seasons on a block same use as HARV_START and HAR_STA_1 but only used if block will be harvested over multiple seasons.
  • HARV_COMP: and HARV_COMP1: Filled out once harvest is complete and all timber is delivered
  • FNR_DATE: is the date the infoshare process is closed for a block. We use a place holder (e.g. 6/1/2016) when we started to get maps, packages together and need a common date in the planned infoshare blocks to have them show on maps, reports, etc. this is updated to the closing date once infoshare has closed
  • FNR_STAT: Status of the infoshare planned or done, some blocks will show up in both planned and done blocks KMZ's if it was reshared for some reason (change in size, stale dated infoshare, etc.
  • STH_DATE: is the date the stakeholder referral packages were sent out for a block. We use a place holder (e.g. 6/1/2016) when we started to get maps, packages together and need a common date for the blocks to have them show on maps, reports, etc. this is updated to the closing date once stakeholder referral packages are sent out.
  • STH_STAT: Status of the stakeholder referral planned or done, a few blocks will show up in both planned and done blocks KMZ's if it was reshared for some reason (change in size, etc).
  • VIA_DATE: the date a Visual Impact Assessment(VIA) is proposed or was completed for a block. normally done for blocks that fall within an identified polygon with an Established Visual Quality Objective(EVQO). VIA’s are completed from a given viewpoint (e.g. rec site, campground, park, community, etc.)
  • VIA_STAT: identifies whether a VIA is Planned, Done, or NA. NA is for blocks that do not fall within a EVQO polygon and/or will not be visible from a viewpoint.
  • AIA_DATE: The date an archaeological assessment(AIA, or AOA) is planned or was completed. 
  • AIA_STAT: identifies whether the archaeological assessment is planned, done, or NA
  • LAYOUT_DAT: The date layout was completed. We track layout started separately and it does not show on the KMZ's
  • LAYOUT_STA: Identified whether completion of layout is still planned or done.
  • CRUISE_DATE: The date cruise was completed. Similar to layout we track cruise started separately.
  • CRUISE_STA: Whether completion of cruise is still planned or done
  • GPS_LOAD_D: The date the GPS data from the layout was loaded into our system
  • GPS_LOAD_S: Whether GPS data loading is still planned or done. If done the block boundary on the maps is likely final unless something is identified that causes a change to the block, e.g. wildlife feature, archaeological feature, etc. 
  • SP_DATE and SP_STAT are no longer consistently used may be filled out but being blank. Was used to track whether a Site Plan is complete for the block, now tracked in our the filing system and not in the system that populates these properties.


If you require any further information regarding these fields please call Kevin Skarda (250)845-5243